Una tagada para ferias ya enviado a Chile, esta tagada puede plegar su plato automaticamente,y pone en trailer o caminon a mover, es super bonito a ferias
Y ademas , los cilindros de la tagada ya prolongar, desde 400 milimetro a 600 milimetro, y amplificar la potencia de aire compresor ,y acelerar la velocidad de giro de plato, a obtener efecto estimulante, experiencia perfecta a los jugadores.
A tagada for fairs already sent to Chile, this tagada can fold its plate automatically, and put it on a trailer or truck to move, it is super nice for fairs And also, the cylinders of the tagada can be extended, from 400 millimeters to 600 millimeters, and amplify the power of the air compressor, and accelerate the speed of the plate rotation, to obtain a stimulating effect, a perfect experience for the players.